Saturday, June 10, 2017

Wilson Pickett:

Wicked Pickett:(1967)

No one sang harder than Wilson Pickett, it made him one of the best soul singers ever. Now, this is the album that featured a song that would go on to be a bar band speciality for decades to come... I'm talking about, Mustang Sally. A song that's been done to death. Which I always found funny, because I don't think it's the best song on this album by a long shot. If I'm picking favorites from this piece of vinyl, I'll go with Sunny, or You Left The Water Running. Now those are classics that hold up. 

Friday, June 9, 2017

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:

Hard Promises:(1981)

Southern Accents:(1985)

I think I was thirteen when I got turned onto Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, actually it was a cut from Full Moon Fever, solo it was a solo Petty track (well, as solo as he gets). I was just at the age to start really getting into music. The closest place to buy music, cassettes were my choice medium at the time, was forty miles away, or there was a mall ninety miles away. So, I really had to work hard to remember what I wanted to buy when we went. My godfather had made me a mix tape with a bunch of things on it, and the Petty cut was one of them. Free Falling, I think was the track on there. So I first bought Full Moon Fever, I remember the case had a weird plastic smell when I unwrapped the shrink wrap. It smelled like a combo of plastic and tortillas. From there, I went on one of those fantastical journeys you have, mostly when you're young, exploring an artists back catalog. A particular favorite period of the Petty catalog for me, is the three albums that came out between '81 and '85; Hard Promises, Long After Dark, and Southern Accents. These are the two pieces of vinyl I currently hold.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Peter, Paul and Mary:

In The Wind:(1963)


Quintessential 1960s folk, that's what Peter, Paul and Mary had on full display. Both of these albums were my Mom's. In fact I have two copies of the Album album because my mom nearly wore one out, and my Dad decided to buy her another Peter Paul and Mary album, but forgot which ones mom already had, and end up buying replacement. I had the opportunity to sing with Peter Yarrow once. It wasn't the most pleasant experience. He seemed very self righteous in the way a lot of "folk singers" do. After all, they know what's best for everyone.  

It was a song off the Album album that my mom used to sing to me at night, so I have a sentimental attachment to it.